The Mario Cipollini board room at Specialized HQ
The Lion King “Super Mario” Cipollini was a delight to follow- on the road and in public. His flair for fashion, clothing and glamour bordered on preposterous. It was delicious. But he was a remarkable sprinter who hated climbing and was quoted “If I wasnt a professional cyclist, I would be a porn star.”
But Mario was an amazing marketing vehicle and his sponsors’ ad campaigns still come up in cyclobablle. His pro career spanned 20 years, he had 42 Giro stage wins, World Champs in 2002, the list is too long, go read it on Wiki.
This is one of my favourite Cipollini photos where he won the 2002 World Champs. Of course he had to wear his Colnago branded Italian team kit, but a clever bit of ambush marketing by Specialized stole the moment and made some waves- but then what was expected of Mario. Just imagine the impact this North Wave shoe ad made on me as a teenage triathlete, fresh out of sheltered South Africa…
My only personal experience with Cipo was when I was training in Stellenbosch around 2002. I saw a Smart car (a rare thing back then) coming down the road from the opposite direction, and being an observant guy, I noticed a bicycle wheel and two feet in the gap between the road and the underside of the car. OK, someone was motor pacing behind a Smartcar. I was dying to see who it was, and when they swooped by, there was Mario in his full glory- working on his tan. No helmet, no shirt, no socks- Just Mario in his chamois (rolled up high), shoes, glasses and his beautiful mane of greased back hair. Now that was class.
“Ciao Mario!”
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
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