STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman.
STOLTZ Racing & Adventure
Personalized online coaching by the Caveman himself.
“This is the culmination of the knowledge and experience I have gathered during a lifetime of training and racing at the highest level. It took 2 decades of constant searching, learning and making many mistakes first hand to find and refine the “winning recipe.” Most of the ingredients are below. Its science based. It relies heavily on quality athlete feedback. Data gathering and giving via GPS/HR monitor and power meter takes the guesswork out of training and enable us to relay massive amounts of information via But despite this mountain of “hard data”, coaching is also an art – mixing rigid science with fluid humanity.”
Your parents determined which genes you bring to the game, but I’m not here to grow champions. Sure, winning is/was!? my expertise, but my passion is helping people make the most of their talents, goals and time, which enables them to enjoy the sport and life in general.
With this exclusive package I write a 100% custom-made programme for you personally every week. Taking into account your past week’s training and life stress, upcoming goals and the like. I also factor in time constraints and your work/travel/family schedule. I am a firm believer in a balanced, happy lifestyle – which is when I performed at my best.
As you can imagine this is intensive work, and therefore I will only be able to take on a limited number of athletes.
There are 2 options, they are both of the level of personal care I feel comfortable to put my name to.
Contact me for more information and pricing.
Custom made training & racing kit, free and discounted product from my sponsors, an instructional video library and Adventure Training Camps in exotic locations planned.
Conrad Stoltz aka Caveman
7x World Champion.
2x Olympian. (Road Triathlon)
10x XTERRA USA Series Champion.
53 XTERRA Global race victories.
Off road Triathlete, Non drafting road triathlete, ITU style athlete, Mountain Bike racer & Time Trialist.
Competed in over 1000 races.
Professional Triathlete for 23 years.
Husband to Liezel, dad to baby Zena.
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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STOLTZ Racing and Adventure. Personalized Triathlon coaching by the Caveman. – Conrad Stoltz XTERRA Triathlete
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This message is for Mr. Conrad Stoltz. I have come across a blue tandem racing roadbike with just the name Stoltz on the lower front tube and it has 2 bottle holders that have Specialized engraved in them. I cant find any information about this bike anywhere. I was wondering if it was a 1 off or even one of Mr Conrads bikes at all. Please reply back.
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Conrad…my wife and I are Braveheart coaches under Leslie. I am 45 years old and am looking to get better as I age. I am not ready to give up yet…but not looking to run my ass into the ground. I feel pretty good self coaching but what do you offer and what are the prices….by the way…I’m a big fan, hats off to you!