Posts Tagged ‘Conrad Stoltz’

The Caveman has met his match


Conrad Stoltz and Liezel Wium got engaged over the weekend.

Conrad Stoltz. Caveman. Alien.


Conrad Stoltz. Caveman. Alien.

Will be back!

Big stuff brewing on all fronts.

Great blogging fodder.


pic by Gary Perkin

Clif Shots to the rescue!


Small mountain of Clif Shots in Africa. A sight for sore eyes indeed.

Dear North Americans: Edible Gold, also known as”Clif Bars” do not exist everywhere on this earth. Appreciate it, dammit!

When I come to South Africa for training, I take 2 pieces of carry on: 1 a “small laptop bag or personal item” and the other a full size rolling carry on. The roller I fill exclusively with Clif products. About 12kg worth. (26lbs) No matter how I try, by Christmas I’ve burnt through it all. Its also fun to watch friends faces light up when they taste their 1st (and only) bite of say, a Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif Bar.

Once I’ve run out of Clif products, I’d train on dried peaches, dates, nougat, Coke (once bonked) and in my opinion, the best sports drink in SA- Enduren– made without colourants, flavourants or preservatives by my Cape Epic team mate Barry Pauw.

On the all powerful Facebook I learnt that Olympic Cycles in Cape Town has some Clif product. Not sure if they also smuggled theirs in in carry on luggage? I hurried over and they were kind enough to hook me up with a small mountain of Clif Shots.  Pic above. Its the only product they had, never mind the Builder Bars, Electrolyte Drink, Shot Bloks, Clif Crunch, Mojo Bar or Luna bars. With quite a bit of racing coming up (XTERRA SA this weekend) the Clif Shots are dearly needed. Swimming with dried fruit in your pockets does not work so well…

Olympic cycles also stock Specialized and I saw (with my own 2 eyes) a S Works 29er Epic without on owner! Thats rare and wont last…

Apart from the amazing taste and variety of products, I also really appreciate the 85% and over Certified Organic ingredients, the Environmental and Social conscience. “Raising the bar.” By Clif owner and founder, Gary Erikson is my #1 Business read from which I have learnt many a lesson. One of them: “In business and in life, travel light, so you can change direction quickly.”

Go read about the Big 5 Aspirations on the “SOUL- who we are” page:

Sustaining the Planet

Sustaining the People

Sustaining the Community

Sustaining the Business. “Grow slower, grow better and stick around longer”

Sustaining the Brands.

I’m lucky to be surrounded by amazing people and amazing companies, of which Clif Bar is undoubtedly one of my favourites.

Interview with Ian Rodger


My blogging mentor, Nikola Tosic (he probably wont like the definition) posted this interview with my coach, Ian Rodger on

The interview made me laugh out loud. (LOL, right?) OMG, it totally gives you a glimpse into Ian’s quirky character.


He stayed at my house in Stellenbosch this week, and this is where he made himself comfortable. Laptop, scribble paper, broken pencil, broken cell phone and A LOT of tea

Other than me (then him) almost dying from a common cold, we had a riot. Sharp as a tack and blunt as a bowling ball. Ian will definitely get his own chapter in my autobiography.

Read Elite blog here

Een van my gunsteling onderhoude…


’n Kampioen sonder tierlantyntjies

Met Murray La Vita vir DIE BURGER

Dond 2 Des 2010, 15:53

[U het hom dalk al daar sien sit op die stoep van Basic Bistro aan Kerkstraat in Stellenbosch. Die groot man met die vriendelike gesig: Conrad Stoltz, wêreldkampioen.
Die glimlag wat vanoggend onder sy rooi bofbalpet verskyn, laat hom seunsagtig lyk. Die sproete dra ook daartoe by.]




Story Time

Cavegirl on the way!!!

Cavegirl on the way!!!
Liezel and I are happy to announce our baby girl on the way! We are 23 weeks in, #PrincessHotstuff is fit and trim, and for me, time is not moving fast enough!  Due date 15-5-15. Suuuuper excited prix viagra en pharmacie! With these genes, she’ll be shooting hoops while wheelie-ing at the age of 3. […]
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Being the Caveman is hard work- have been busy…

Being the Caveman is hard work- have been busy…
As you all know, its easy to overindulge and pack on the pounds during the festive season, so Cross Training is a key ingredient to keeping the Caveman fit and flexable. Gotta keep on top of skills training too. Breakfast sure wasnt pretty. But its all part of the food chain… Like I said, being […]
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Caveman wins in mountain region of Scanno at XTERRA Italy

Caveman wins in mountain region of Scanno at XTERRA Italy
XTERRA Italy has the most amazing course! Parts through the old mountain town of Scanno. To the tune of "eye of the tiger" (thanks DJ Jack!) Caveman wins XTERRA Italy by 4 minutes. XTERRA Italy made is debut in the idyllic mountain town of Scanno, in the province of Abruzzo. In terms of the culture […]
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Caveman’s specialized equipment choices in quest for 7th World title

Caveman’s specialized equipment choices in quest for 7th World title
#aeroiseverything #soisfattyres #dittohorsepower ITU Cross Triathlon Worlds 2013 Long version Cross Tri Worlds Highlights. (Short version- 2.40) Racing through the dunes, stairs and sidewalks of Holland proved a fertile ground for innovative equipment choices.  From the video you can get a feel for the course- but the real test was the long sections of deep, […]
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a Caveman car for a Caveman situation…

a Caveman car for a Caveman situation…
Caveman’s Stellenbosch Kelfords Ford Fietsta Ambiente 1.4 [Open letter to friend and owner of Kelfords Ford and Mazda in Somerset West, South Africa] Dear Tristan, Thank you very much for the use of your wonderful little Ford Fiesta. We love the fuel economy, (5.9L per 100km) the nippy handling, the voice activated, hands free phone […]
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Cheers to a remarkable 2012

Cheers to a remarkable 2012
18 races, 1 World Title (ITU Cross Tri), my 10th XTERRA USA Series title, 10 victories, 16 podiums and many many special memories. My sporting highlight was winning my 2nd ITU Cross Triathlon World Title in Pelham Alabama, USA. a Personal highlight was sharing the entire year and all the remarkable experiences with my gorgeous […]
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