XTERRA Halloween party 2008
Kurt the Incredible Hulk Hogan and the Firefighter in clown shoes
Which one is Brent McMahon?
The little guy
How Megan really lost her leg…
Chinese gymnasts. Shonny Vanlandingham and crew
Courtney Cardenas did the perfect Michael Jackson. He has all the moves and no one recognized him. He won the costume contest.
Jamie Whitmore and the fireman
These guys had a great skit- 80s ski posse with Lisa Lieb
The beautiful Mr(s) McQuaid’s wardrobe malfunction…
My personal favourite: Crocodile Undie
Last but not least, here is “Crocodile Undie” in action:
Big C
You going ‘YMCA” all the way gee.
ha ha ha,